Friday, December 2, 2011

Your Relationship Will Determine Your Journey in Life

Relationship management

Your ATTITUDE determines your ALTITUDE in life

Equation: Attitude + Eloquence + Relationship Management = GREATNESS

Relationship management is the latter part of your attitude determines your altitude, I have tried to analyse greatness following examples from the bible combined with real life experience and I believe that without any form of relationship or friendship in our lives, we will not be where we are today or who we have become today. A friend once told me that no man is an island and I concluded she meant, we all need people and relationships in our lives though what she said was true I believe that without the application of wisdom in managing such relationships we find ourselves in, it is headed for disaster.

Our attitude will determine our altitude but we cannot get to our altitude if we do not manage relationships/friendships in our lives as such relationships we mostly take for granted and or ignore are such that will define our purpose on earth. In my little time on earth, I have had friends that I have had to let go and vice versa and I have had to go back to some of them despite our differences just to maintain the friendships because I know people come into my life for a reason. God uses relationships to mend and break people and some relationships are divine relationships that will ultimately help define our purpose in life, such relationships must be managed and jealously guarded.

Why is relationship important? Relationships forms the existence of our living, it breaks or mends us. It was fascinating to discover that Moses managed his relationship with his father in law - Jethro so well that Jethro felt confident enough to advice Moses in running his mission on earth. The in - law relationship that many people do not want to hear about or get into mended the mission of Moses - the friend of God; on earth. Jethro created insight into Moses mission, defined Moses abilities in leadership and helped organized his daily tasks that was wearing him out in Exodus 18. God always allows us to form relationships and friendships for HIS purpose in our lives to be defined; He brings people into our lives to complement our weaknesses and guide us in the right path as He did for Moses by bringing Aaron into his life to complement his weakness in eloquence and though God would have performed HIS work through Moses in other ways, God chose to bring Aaron in to support Moses to accomplish his mission on earth.

How do we manage our relationships? First prayerfully engage ourselves in any relationship we find ourselves in, do not get involved in just any relationship or friendship, if your life is an unwalled city, anything or anybody can walk in and where anything goes, there is bound to be failure or destruction. Moses, in the book of Numbers 13:17-20 sent spies to see if the people living in the land of Canaan(the promised land) are strong or weak, few or many and what kind of land they live in either good or bad, unwalled or fortified, what kind of soil the land has, is it fertile or poor? Are there fruitful trees in the land? People living in Canaan had no idea God was bringing HIS people to overthrow their fortified land and occupy their lands but God's people went to understand the relationship they were going to have to destroy or manage.

Every time I find myself in a fulfilled relationship, I found they are relationships that I have prayed to God about and God has used these relationships to bless me in any aspect of my life that I struggle with at any particular point in time and vice versa. I often said to my friends that I choose my friends and my friends don't choose me, I say this because I always look for fulfilment in relationships though there has been friends who have chosen me as well and it has either turned good or sour, good because we connect on a certain level and sour because we did not connect on certain levels, I prayerfully manage such relationships that has turned sour because I believe nobody comes into my life for nothing, it is for a reason, either for me to be some sort of blessing in their lives or for God to use them for me now or in the future. Every relationship or friendships is for a purpose and the purpose is defined when we engage truthfully and prayerfully in such relationships or friendships otherwise the bible would not have said in Proverbs 12:26a that the righteous choose their friends carefully.

Relationship building and management is not only limited to human circles, it extends to the spirit realm as well and as we manage our relationships on earth, let us endeavour to build our relationship with our maker who is constantly at the door knocking to come in and build relationship with whoever is willing. Moses built his relationship with God and God elevated him to be HIS friend, Noah built his relationship with God such that he was the only righteous man found in his generation and God preserved him for procreation of humanity, Abraham built his relationship with God and he became the founding father of faith, Joshua learnt to build his relationship with God while serving under Moses and God decided to bring him to the promised land, and Adam and Eve failed to build their relationships with the maker and lost the glory of God in their lives, they were thrust out of the garden of Eden

Your attitude will determine your altitude and a man or woman who struggle with his attitude will struggle with many other essential and important factors and elements that will lead him to his altitude in life. Your attitude to relationships/friendships you are in will determine the success or failure of your journey to greatness in life; an old adage says show me your friends and I will tell you how far you will go in life. As we embark on a new journey this week, let us search within and as ourselves these questions; am I in the right relationships and friendships? What is my purpose in each relationship/friendship I am in right now? Am I fulfilling God's purpose for my life in these relationships? And Am I impacting lives through my relationships/friendships? Let us also bear in mind that though the secret to greatness explored over the past few weeks are more in-depth than revealed in the articles, the most essential are the ones covered.

Have a fulfilled week!

Ayoola Bandele A chosen generation

My name is Ayoola Bandele, I studied Statistics at university of Hertfordshire, UK and Mass Communication for my National Diploma in Nigeria. I aspire to be an analyst but i enjoy digging deep in the hidden messages in the bible and bringing them to life in my weekly articles. I also enjoy reading diverse books especially inspirational, motivational and biographies of great men and women who have impacted their generations and have brought changes and hope to their generations. You will find my articles to be mostly inspirational, motivational and encouragement linked to the bible and real life situations. My articles are not for christians only but for everybody and are written as the insight and inspiration comes. I hope you have been blessed, inspired and motivated by the articles.

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